Monday, January 31, 2011

Anything is Possible

     I met with Linda Barnes this past Friday and we further refined our workshop plans for the "Anything is Possible, Using Archtypal Imagery to Expand Your Life."  Here is the description we came up with:

Explore traditional and contemporary Tarot Imagery and color symbolism to envision and create a dynamic future.  Summary of tarot history and uses followed by extensive time to enhance and decorate tarot image to take with you for inspiration.  Workshop time includes group interaction, learning, creative expression and fun!

Workshop Details:

Time:  April 16, Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Place:  Hummingbird Arts (Directions will be given at registration.)
Fee:  $50-$75 Sliding Scale
All art supplies and snacks will be provided.  You can bring a sack lunch or go out.
To Register Call Janet London at 541-608-9238 or e-mail

Linda Barnes, M.S. is an inspiring workshp facilitator and prize winning poet.  She is a Certified Poetry Therapist, member of the National Association for Poetry Therapy, a Certified Journal Facillitator and counselor.  She has used Tarot and Therapuetic writing herself for over 40 years.

Janet London, M.Ed., has an extensive background in the use of creative arts for personal growth and healing.  Her popular Mandala Workshops have been offered throughout the Rogue Valley.  She is a Pressed Flower Artist and is a memeber of the Worldwide Pressed Flower Guild. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Back in the Saddle

For the past few months I have been focusing on helping my 93 year-old mother recover from a broken ankle.  She is doing better now so once again I am writing.  I am very excited about joining the World Wide Pressed Flower Guild.  In fact I just joined this evening.  This is something I have wanted to do for a long time and recently psychic space has opened up for me to do this.  They offer wonderful classes and I will have the opportunity to get to know Pressed Flower Artists from around the world.  In the U.S.A. I have heard that Pressed Flower Art is somewhat of a dying art form.  I hope that is not true and plan to keep putting my art out there.  Working with art supplies that I collect from nature is most satisfying to me and hopefully the viewers of my art will be reminded of their own connection with nature.

Currently, I am working with Linda Barnes, a poet, creative writer and counselor to develop a Workshop entitled, "Anything is Possible".  We plan to use Tarot cards as a jumping off place for creating poetry and art, stressing there is always potential for anything to happen in our lives.  I am meeting with Linda this Friday and we are going to refine our agenda.  We have picked a date for the workshop which is April 16, Saturday.  I will post more on my class page when the details are worked out.

I am working on a pressed flower candle holder that is an "English Garden" design.  Marie Ann Robinson, a pressed flower artist from South Dakota sent me some beautiful flowers from her garden and I am using some of them on the candle holder.  I will post a picture when I finish it.

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy that is translated through you; and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique."  Martha Graham