Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Artist Way Class

I was contacted today by a small group of women who are interested in an "Artist Way" Class  being taught in the Jackonville area.  I am willing to offer a class but we need 3 more members to make the class a go.  Here is some information about the class:

The Artist's Way Class
Where:  Jacksonville Area(Location will be shared at registration)
When:  Class will begin on Thursday, Nov. 3 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and meet for five more    
             Thursdays skipping Thanksgiving Thursday.
Required Text:  The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron
Fee:  $60
Facilitator:  Janet London, M.Ed.
This six week class will help you expand your imagination, clarify your goals and uncover hidden creative energy.  You can recover from inhibiting blocks that have limited your creativity and develop artistic confidence and productivity.  The first five chapters of the book will be covered.
To Register:  Call or e-mail Janet London, 541-608-9238,

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Holiday Gift Bazaar, Dec. 3

Holiday Gift Bazaar

When:  Dec. 3, Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where:  Oak Valley Community(located off of I-5 at exit 21)
              291 Christopher Way
              Talent, Or.

Featured Artists:  Jannie Ledard, Alx Fox, Sherry Kronman, Janet London and Diane Tibbitts

Sale Items include jewelry, fabric art, collage boxes, cards, acrylic paintings, stained glass mandalas and more.
                                                                                                                                                                             Refreshments and light appetizers will be served.  Mark your calenders for this fun event.  Many unique and creative items to choose from.

For more information:  Call Janet London, 541-608-9238, or e-mail .

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Framed Wedding Bouquet and Holiday Collage Boxes

I finished sealing my neices' wedding bouquet picture and took it to the framers and had a backing put on.  It feels so good to have that project completed.  Above is a picture of the framed bouquet.

Now I am on to the next project which is preparing for the holiday sale on Dec. 3.  It will be held at a home in the Oak Valley Community in Talent, Or.  The address is 291 Christopher Way and the sale will be from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.  Jannie Ledard will be selling her beautiful fused glass jewelry and stained glass art peices.  Diane Tibbitts will be selling fabric art, mandala cards and other holiday items. Alex Fox will be selling her fine art paintings and I will be selling  some original matted petal girls, petal girls cards and other pressed flower art.  I will also be selling some fabric collage boxes.  We will have a postcard soon about the sale that I will post.

In the collage boxes I use the utmost care in selecting designs from Laurel Burch fabric to create holiday scenes.  The fabric is collaged on black boxes with mod podge and finished off with glitter and rhinestones.  They are definitely and one-of -a-kind gift and will last for years to come.  Above are some of the boxes I have already made.  The next one I want to make will have cats and trees.  I just love Laurel Burches' cats.
Back to the workshop!  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Luminous Mandala Class/Discovering a Personal Healing Symbol

Our next exercise in the class was to help participants discover a personal healing symbol.  First they set a clear intention for healing.  It could be physical, emotional or spiritual healing or they could just want to discover who they really are.  The meditation guided participants to be receptive to a symbol and to be a channel for their spiritual center rather than using their ego to invent a symbol intellectually   They were encouraged not to reject a symbol even if they didn't understand it.  Then they drew the symbol with white pencil and then created a scale of light.  In our next session they will begin to add color. These symbols are very powerful as they come from unconscious place rather than an intellectual place.  Several of the students have given their permission for their black and white drawings to be posted.  I am grateful for their sharing as you can see the power of this exercise. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lumunious Mandala Class

In the second chapter of the Mandala:  Luminous Symbols for Healing, the participants were ask to draw an outline of their hands and then to illluminate their hands with a scale of light.  This exercise helps to develop will power through inner visioning to move the healing life force through the body and hands.  In the meditation before drawing participants are ask to visualize radiant energy from the center of their heart and feel love and send it flowing out the hands through the tips of the fingers.  In the book, Judith Cornell says,
"After deep prayer, and in a state of unconditional love, the healers(from many spiritual traditions) use the power of will and mind to direct this light(prana of life force) through their hands to those in need of healing.
The laying on of hands, therapeutic touch, loving embraces, and most physical acts of creation involve the hands as powerful ministers and architects of our thoughts".

The hand outline drawing and illumination shown here was created by one of our class participants, Melissa York.

In Chapter 3, Judith Cornell will teach us how the create radiant symbols for healing.