In this session I worked with my student on "Chapter 2: Our Bodies As Conduits of Light" from Judith Cornell's Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing book. We started with a meditation entitled, "Bringing Prana Through the Hands" which was followed by two exercises: drawing an outline of the hands and then illuminating them with the white pencil using the scale of light shading technique. The purpose of these exercises is for a person to will learn to strenghten their will and mental powers so they can distribute inner healing energies throughout their bodies. The hand drawing is a simple biofeedback device--a visual mirror to the eyes and brain-- by making the invisible energies visible and more real to the conscious mind. As a person draws thier prana(life force), physical body and paper and pencils all will be linked in an alchemic healing process. I have displayed above the drawing of my student. Here is what she wrote about it: I have plenty of energy from Source to use on myself first.....then others. The energy directed to me feels really good and has much power in it. My focus right now is on me first- to fill and sustain myself as an energy being residing in physical form." Great Work!
12 years ago