Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tree Mandalas Created by Dharma School Children

One of my volunteer jobs is teaching Dharma School to children 3 to 13 at the Buddhist Center I attend.  One day I had them draw and color trees and stressed I wanted their unique experience of a tree.  What followed were incredibly creative drawings that I wanted to two are alike and I was impressed with the mindfulness the children displayed in this activity. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Luminous Mandala Class/One on One/Session 5

Here is my students completed Luminous Mandala created as a healing symbol for herself.  This is what she wrote about it:

"The rose represents the self love that bloomed from a very broken place.  The strong violet boundary protects and transforms as the healing continues to flow from the inside out.  Magenta soothes and nurtures as it helps release past agony, leaving a cheerful soul on its journey."

I watched this student have an incredible process through using mandala work to get to a place of healing and love for herself.  I also think her Luminous Mandala drawing is stunningly beautiful!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Luminous Mandala Work/ One on One/ Session Three and Four

In Session No. 3, we worked on Chapter 3 from Judith Cornell's Luminous Symbols for Healing book.  I  talked with my student about the importance of the healing symbol coming from her intuitive mind and not her intellect.  I then read the meditation on p. 66, Accessing a Healing Symbol. She was asked to draw a healing symbol in white and do shading with the white.
In Session No. 4, we worked on adding color and she completed about half of the coloring with the assignment to finish the rest at home.  Above is her black and white healing symbol. 
Next time we meet, I will have her do some writing to reflect on the meaning of her healing symbol.
Amazing work! 

Monday, April 9, 2012

More Bookmarks for Spring Sale

The design in these bookmarks was inspired by a necklace I ordered from Pressed Flower Artist Marie Ann Robinson.  They were fun to make and I always like trying something new.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Art Sale 2012

 Five local artists including myself will be selling our artwork(jewelry, stained glass, designer jackets, cards, cloth art, pressed flower art and fine art paintings and prints).

Saturday, May 19th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Oak Valley Community Center, 291 Christopher Way, Talent, Or.(located off I-5 at exit 21)  541-535-5753

Presented by:  Jannie Ledard, Alx Fox, Sherry Kronman, Janet London and Diane Tibbitts